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"from so simple a beginning
endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful
have been, and are being, evolved"

C. Darwin



Forma LMS 4.0.9

This is the latest stable release, only available to Association Members and Contributors.
Read below the detailed list of changes and improvements



Log-in as a member or contributor to download


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Forma LMS 3.3.24

Public stable release, available for everyone to download.
Become a member to get the latest release and benefit of lots of new features and improvements





Forma LMS 3.3.17

New security and maintenance release

Thanks to Dell'Orco Antonio for Deloitte Risk Advisory Italy for reporting the vulnerabilities!

- # - update to readme
- # - fix orphan commontrack
- # - #20181 - Student upload a Zip file through the plugin upload
- # - #20180 - Student upload a Zip file through the SCORM importer feature
- # - #20179 - SQL injection vulnerability in appLms/ajax.adm_server.php?r=widget/userselector/getusertabledata - CVE-2022-42924
- # - #20070 - Vulnerability - SQL Injection in adm/mediagallery/delete - CVE-2022-42923
- # - #20069 - Vulnerability - XSS in appLms/index.php?modname=faq&op=play - CVE-2022-41679
- # - #20178 - Vulnerability stored-XSS in management of educational objects, through the FAQ title - CVE-2023-46693
- # - #20177 - Vulnerability stored-XSS in the title of discussions in the course forums - CVE-2023-46693
- # - #20176 - Vulnerability stored-XSS in the title parameter of the course advice - CVE-2023-46693
- # - fix test
- # - fix pattern for forma include
- # - fix on assigning template in creating new folder

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Looking for SUPPORT?

forma.lms is a beautiful piece of software, with lots of features and configuration options, but for this same reason
you may need some help, or need some custom development, or maybe you could stumble into some small bug

In these cases, you have two choices:

Join the community forum for
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The community forum is very active, with 4000+ members and over 12.000 messages.
Just get in and see what happens (but please remember people here are volunteering, so always be patient and polite)
Ask the Forma Partners for 
The project founders and developers can provide professional services to support your adventure with Forma LMS.
If you are in a hurry or need an easy solution for a complex situation, well these are the guys you were looking for!



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